Published on YouTube: A Capable Maid Chapter 8

4 HERBS To Boost Growth Hormone & Key Tips For HGH For Bodybuilding

Human growth hormone is important for body mass, strength and performance but how can you naturally increase human growth human, in this video i’m going to discuss 4 key herbs and also some tips to help you boost human growth hormone production, You ready let’s go You may have heard of a GH Gut. GH gut is the extremely enlarged belly in bodybuilders. This is caused or associated with growth hormone abuse, when growth hormone is injected into the body. The reason for this abuse is that growth hormone helps build muscle mass, boost metabolism, and burn fat, all key things for bodybuilding . Well we all produce HGH naturally. It is a hormone secreted by our pituitary gland. At different ages of our life, different levels of HGH are produced. For example, In children more growth hormone is produced as it aids growth, the production continues and peaks during puberty, after which it starts to decline with age. This gradual decline starts to happen after the age of 30. It’s worth noting that growth hormone and testosterone are both potent anabolic hormones and play a role in protein synthesis and muscle development so the bodybuilding crew will find this video extremely interesting. It’s said that Testosterone actually enhances the effect of growth hormone too. So this is something you will need to bear in mind.

So what is a growth hormone? Growth hormone is a peptide hormone that stimulates growth, cell reproduction, and cell regeneration.It’s a key hormone for men and women. This hormone is so important that it’s market for it is being used is predicted to be $5 billion by 2026.If you’ve had experience with a product comment below. Before we get into the herbs, as we always do, it’s good to go over things you can do right now to slow down the human growth hormone decline and help you boost it. So here are 5 things you can do right now to help boost your immune system The first is fasting Fasting has been called the secret of anti aging. And one of the reasons for this is fasting can help increase the length of telomeres. telomeres act as the aging clock in every cell. Studies show that fasting enhances growth hormone secretion and amplifies the complex rhythms of growth hormone secretion but also studies suggest that GH could activate telomerase, and telomerase is active in regenerative tissues. Basically helping to slow down aging Cut a long story short, fasting is very beneficial for growth hormone but it also has a vast amount of benefits, so if you want the benefits of fasting with herbs video, comment below and let me know. I also have a fasting group on instagram, if you want to join, just follow and dm on @dungubook In short, fasting is very good for the body’s natural release of growth hormone The second is monitoring your diet Food plays an important role in growth hormone production. For example, eating refined carbohydrates that spike the blood sugar and lead to an insulin response has been associated with reduced growth levels, so it’s better if you limit the amount of sugar you eat. But Also, the time you eat, it’s suggested that you should not eat foods that may spike your insulin before bed. Food high in melatonin, amino acids like casein, agenine, beta alanine, vitamin d, vitamin c, and good fats are essential to growth hormone. You can understand more about some of nutrient sources in my new nutrition book, link in bio One study looked at the effects of melatonin on certain pituitary hormone secretions and found that a 0.5mg dose all the way up to a 5mg dose increased the amount of growth hormone (among other hormones) that was released over the course of 24 hours In short, mind your diet and eating time to aid your body’s own hormone production.

Third is exercise Exercise is a big key for human growth hormone. Key compound movements like squats, deadlifts and clean and press at high intensity have been shown to have a positive effect on growth hormone. aLSO, exercises but in general, is good for hgh. Fourth is body composition As with testosterone a key thing you can do right now to boost both is to work on your body fat percentage. Research suggests that lowering belly fat helps boost human growth hormone and studies show that people who’s growth hormone has declined faster than average due to their weight, once they lost weight, it returned back to normal. So guys, ensure you’re not storing fat around the belly area, work on it. Eat well, exercise and burn fat.

The last important factor is sleep How much sleep should you have, well, it’s recommended that you get around 7.5 HOURS TO 8 HOURS daily, AS STUDIES SUGGEST THAT growth hormone PRODUCTION HAPPENS IN PULSES THROUGH OUT THE NIGHT, one in the first hour after you have fallen asleep then every 3 hours after that. To sleep well, avoid blue lights before sleep, install f.lux on your laptop, use your phone in night mode as these can affect melatonin levels, melatonin is crucial for growth hormone too. So guys, as always, these are some things you can do right now to have some benefit. But it’s worth looking into some symptoms that you may be low in growth hormone. Some of the most common symptoms include difficulty sleeping, balding, love handles or fat around the abdomen, Decrease in sexual function and interest. Decreased muscle mass and strength. All these could be to do with low growth hormone So without further adieu, let’s get into the herbs. I’m going to real them off relatively quickly, if you prefer it like this, make sure you’d rop alike The first herb is tribulus terrestris Early studies in mice suggest that use of this herb resulted in stimulation of growth hormone (GH) secretion from anterior pituitary gland.

This is herb i’ve mentioned previously in other videos, I’ve recently started taking it too and although I’ve been eating very clean, I do think it has aided in fat loss from around the belly area and this could be to do with it’s hormonal benefits as it’s been said to have an affect on other body hormones too, namely testosterone. It was shown in research by the Chemical Pharmaceutical Institute in Sofia, Bulgaria that the herb stimulates the pituitary gland, this is important to help with growth hormone. Also, the release GH production is controlled by a complex set of hormones produced in the hypothalamus and the steroidal saponins in Tribulus appear to bind with receptors within the hypothalamus of the brain helping balance hormone levels The second herb is ginkgo biloba This is one of the first herbs I bought back in 2012, a powerful herb and perhaps the next video on this channel will be a full benefit of ginkgo video, if that’s something you want to see make sure you comment below. Studies show that gingko can have a positive effect of growth hormone upregulation. It’s worth noting that GH is also in the brain, studies show that growth hormone can boost memory retention in animals. Ginkgo is also powerful for the brain A study in rats shows ginkgo has an effect on growth hormone. This may show promise but as always remember, there animal trials aren’t always extrapolated to humans. Humans studies and studies in terms of herbs and growth hormone aren’t as detailed or well explored just yet so many extrapolations have to be made. Before you try anything it’s always good to consult someone or do your own research.

The third herb is fenugreek Early studies show that this vegetable stimulates the release of growth hormone and can boost energy levels. One of these studies conducted in 2008 showed that rats fed fenugreek stimulate growth-hormone release in the pituitary cells. Not many human studies have yet been conducted but this may show some promise. Others studies It may specifically have an impact on growth hormone by Stimulating the pituitary gland. Fenugreek is particularly abundant in steroidal compounds, such as glycosides and saponins, which may be capable of stimulating the pituitary gland to secret growth hormone alongside other hormones such as luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone . The fourth herb is oolong tea Oolong tea contains phenols that boost the secretion of growth hormone.

In summary, look after your diet, monitor your eating times, avoid foods that spike the blood sugar, avoid eating late, exercise, especially high intensity, get good sleep, also, these herbs have been shown in at least one study to have an affect,these herbs are oolong tea, fenugreek, ginkgo biloba and tribulus terrestris If you enjoyed that vieo be sure you leave a link and if you’re new here subscribe, if you want to learn more about herbs, click my face and get my herb guide, and before you go, check out this video right here and right here.

Nature’s Way Sambucus Black Elderberry Gummies with Vitamin C and Zinc, 60 Gummies

Source: Paul Otote
