Published on YouTube: A Capable Maid Chapter 8

Top 5 Foods High In Zinc And Vitamin C

Today I want to empower you to be your greatest health advocate by using the power of zinc and vitamin c in your foods. Today I’m going to share with you the top five foods that contain zinc and contain vitamin c, so that you can start eating all of these amazing foods and feel amazing inside your system. My name is Danette May and welcome to Danette May TV where I have spent over 20 years dedicated to learning about the power of foods, the power of movement and your mind for ultimate health and I have helped over a million people around the globe transform their lives. This is my passion, this is my work and I love serving it up real. All right you guys, for those of you who have been hearing about zinc and vitamin c I want to share with you why this is so important right now.

This whole idea of health is going around even bigger now than it ever has been and I’m saying nothing has changed. We’ve always known about the power of zinc and the power of vitamin c for optimal health. These foods that I have right here are foods that I put into my diet every single week and I have been telling my fitness community to do for years because nutrition at its core does not change. Obviously, fad diets come and go, but the core foods that are healthy for you do not change. So let’s get started on why zinc is so important. Now zinc is known to help cure wounds, that’s internal wounds that organs might get or even external wounds on the skin. It also is known to help boost the immunity and help with cell regeneration. Potent, potent stuff. Vitamin C is similar in the fact that it helps fight free radicals.

Why this is good is that the world is bombarding us with different external things, chemicals in the air, chemicals from products that we’re using, even foods that are really inflammatory like white sugar, canola, vegetable oil… all create free radical damage. Vitamin C helps fight against that free radical damage, which helps you feel more youthful, look more youthful, and it helps boost your immunity. So these are the top five foods that I’m going to share with you today and let’s get started right now. I’m super excited we’re going to go over here to the zinc side and what I have here is the number one is like dark leafy greens. Broccoli being one of the highest in zinc and I know you might be thinking… how do you prepare it? But don’t worry there’s tons of amazing recipes out there where you can make it taste super delicious and the whole family will love it.

Then asparagus. All right… and then we’ve got our nuts and seeds. Raw and unsalted is the key. I’ve got pumpkin seeds, not only is this loaded with zinc but it also helps kill parasites, how amazing is that? And most of us have parasites, that don’t even know, so I put pumpkin seeds in my salads all the time. We’ve got sesame seeds here, so the seeds category.

The nut category so I’ve got walnuts, almonds, cashews. Once again raw and unsalted because when they are roasted it denatures the protein inside the nut and it actually can create toxins inside your system. That’s why we say unroasted, go raw. Garbanzo beans! Who knew garbanzo beans actually are loaded with protei, but they also have a high level of zinc. You can make desserts with garbanzo beans, you can add them to salads, to different dishes as a protein source, but also they add lots of amazing flavor and help benefit. And then my favorite, which you guys, let’s just do a little happy dance for a minute.

Dark chocolate and I’m not just talking about cocoa… I’m talking about dark chocolate, raw cacao being the highest on the level and I hear I have raw cacao. This is actually my Cacao Bliss, but you could also just do plain raw cacao, ceremonial grade being optimal. This is loaded with zinc and it tastes amazing. So there you go! You have some amazingness to add to your everyday meal plan.

Now over here you’re seeing all these amazing colors, this is our vitamin c area and yes I have bell peppers in here. You want to do a variety of bell peppers and once again there’s so many ways to make vegetables that actually taste really good. Your kids will eat them, you’ll even like them and there’s ways to hide them and I do it all the time. We’ve got orange. We know that. We know about our oranges, but the thing about orange is that when you’re really trying to be healthy and lean you don’t want to do this too much in a drink form. You want to eat it with the fiber the… you want to just peel it and eat it like this. We’ve got strawberries, kiwi. Did you know kiwi is loaded with vitamin c? So many people love this. I throw this in my kids lunches, super simple. And one of my favorites, which I typically only get when I’m in tropical areas but super excited to score this, is papaya! Now papaya is loaded with tons of nutrients and vitamin c being a really high one. The papaya seed actually helps with indigestion, fighting this ability to digest foods. It really helps with that which also helps aid in reducing toxins inside of your body and with parasites. So I actually take the seeds, me personally, but I eat the papaya.

I throw it into different desserts or just eat it plain. Here’s what I love to share with you guys is that yes, we know to start eating these foods but if you’re like “I really need some really healthy recipes to do this” I have programs. I’m going to list them right below. Click the link if you want to get started on a program so that you know exactly how to eat these in a really delicious simple way and you can start being your greatest health advocate right away. I’m sending you so much love! In the comments below I want to hear from you, which out of all of these is your favorite? Is it dark chocolate? Is it papaya? Is it asparagus? Some of you might even say asparagus and if you say asparagus leave your recipe with that comment. We want to hear from you. So I’m sending you all my love you guys and I’ll see you on the next Danette May TV Show.

Nature’s Way Sambucus Black Elderberry Gummies with Vitamin C and Zinc, 60 Gummies

Source: Danette May
