Published on YouTube: A Capable Maid Chapter 8

Top Vegetarian Protein Food - How Can Vegetarians Get Protein In Their Daily Diet

Top Vegetarian Protein Food - How Can Vegetarians Get Protein In Their Daily Diet

Hi Friends: This is Renu Bakshi, Nutrition Health Coach. Today I am going to talk about a very important topic especially for the people who are Vegetarians. I come across a lot of people who are vegetarians and are worried that they don’t get enough protein in their diet because of them being vegetarians. I always tell them not to worry as vegetarians can also get plenty of protein from the diet itself without taking any extra supplements.

I am going to share with you some very simple ways that will help you get adequate amount of protein from your every day diet. Let’s first see how much protein you need? The Institute of Medicine says that a normal female needs at least 46 grams of protein a day, and a male adult needs at least 56 grams in a day. Protein is such a vital nutrient that it is required for all of your body functions including muscles building, enzymes and hormones functions, immunity system, et cetera Just follow these simple things to fulfill your every day protein needs. They are not in any particular order… Number 1: Greek Yogurt is a great source of protein.

Only 100 grams of Greek yogurt will provide you with 10 grams of protein. Don’t worry! If you don’t have Greek yogurt, you can eat regular yogurt, it is also very high in protein content. Greek yogurt being a probiotic food will also provide you with a lot of vitamins and minerals Eating Greek yogurt or normal yogurt regularly will help your digestive system stay healthy, boost your immunity system, fight yeast infections, help with weight loss, control high blood pressure, and lower bad cholesterol At number 2 mixed seeds are my favorite. They are a powerhouse many vital nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and of course protein.

I have prepared at home a mixture of seeds, containing sunflower, pumpkin, watermelon, chia, soy, flax and sesame seeds. You can choose any combination that you like or find tasty. Two tablespoon that is approximately 30 grams of the seed mixture makes one serving, which will provide you about 9 grams of protein. I suggest that you have one serving as a mid-meal snack when you feel hungry or you consume it in one of the following ways: For example Top it on your salads so as to enjoy the crunch and of course get an extra dose of protein.

Another way is you can add the seeds mixture to your smoothies or milk shakes. I love apple milk shake so I add about one tablespoon of the seed mixture to enhance its protein content. And as a bonus I also get a boost of omega-3 fatty acids one of the healthiest fat. Number 3: Lentils or Pulses or Legumes Lentils are a great plant based source of protein.

However, they are not a full protein food because they don’t have all the nine essential amino acids. 100 grams of cooked lentils will give you almost 9 grams of protein. — Besides protein, they will provide energy, help manage your body weight, and maintain the digestive system healthy. For example chickpeas can be eaten whole, tossed with spices or can be curdled into hummus, or even added to curries or soups.

Number 4 Kidney Beans They are another good source of protein. One hundred grams of boiled or cooked kidney beans will give you 24 grams of protein. The good thing with kidney beans is that they have a lot of fiber, folate, magnesium, potassium, zinc, vitamin K and B6 and at the same time low in fat and cholesterol. Number 5 Tofu is a soymilk product, made from the bean curd and is a rich source of protein.

Just one hundred grams of tofu will provide you with 8 grams of protein. It has eight vital amino acids with a lot of iron and calcium. It also has selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, zinc and vitamin B1. Number 6 Soymilk If you are a vegan or lactose intolerant or cannot drink milk, soymilk is a good choice for you.

It is high in protein content and has vitamin A, B12, and D as well. One hundred grams of soymilk has about 4 grams of protein. Number 7 Quinoa Many nutrition experts claim that quinoa has all nine essential amino acids. So, it is a full protein source option.

One hundred grams of cooked quinoa will offer you 4 grams of protein. And it also has fiber, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and folate. Eating quinoa every day will lower your risk of type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Moreover, it will also improve your digestion and help you maintain a healthy body weight.

Number 8 Peanut Butter is my favorite source of protein. This nutty butter is also a good source of monounsaturated fat and fiber. It is also full of vitamins & minerals. Just 2 tablespoon of peanut butter will provide you with 8 grams of protein.

Alternatively, you can go for peanut butter powder. It will give you more protein per calorie so it’s a great way to boost your protein intake. Peanut butter or powder will help lower bad cholesterol and help you maintain a healthy body weight, but remember do not eat too much of it in a day. Number 9 Edamame Beans is a young soybean.

This vegetable is very high in protein and full of important amino acids. One hundred 100 grams of cooked edamame has 11 grams of protein. Moreover, edamame beans have fiber, vitamins, minerals, and healthy polyunsaturated fats, especially omega-3 alpha- linoleic acid. They have less calories and also naturally gluten- free Number 10 Green peas or any other peas for that matter are great source of protein.

They are also high in fiber, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, folate, and vitamin B, C, A, and K. They are low in calories. One hundred grams of cooked green peas will provide you with about 5 grams of protein. They can help lower the risk of heart disease and type-2 diabetes.

Now you see! Is it not simple and easy to introduce more protein into your routine diet in natural forms without really any need for adding or increasing any supplements? I hope you like this video. If yes, please subscribe to my channel and do hit the notification icon so that you do not miss any of my future videos on important health topics. Also click on the like button and share it with all your family and friends so that more and more people get to know that protein supplementation is not really needed. Bye, Bye for now! Will see you soon!

Source: Fitness Buffhq
