Published on YouTube: A Capable Maid Chapter 8

4 BENEFITS OF STINGING NETTLE (& Concerns) | Everyone Should Own This!

Everyone should own some stinging nettle and I’m going to explain why, on this video learn 4 key benefits of stinging nettle, and also some concerns So if you want to learn more about stinging nettle, watch this video let’ s go Firstly, it’s worth noting that common nettle, stinging nettle, nettle leaf, or just a nettle are all part of the same plant species. Although I refer to nettle as stinging nettle, not all nettles sting. Stinging nettle is originally from the colder regions of northern Europe and Asia,but now this shrub grows all over the world today. It’s actually a member of the mint family Fun fact, the reason why stinging nettle stings is because Both the stems and the leaves of stinging nettles are covered by structures that look like hairs but are delicate and hollow. These “hairs” act like needles when they come into contact with the skin. Chemicals flow through them into the skin, which causes a stinging sensation and a rash. And it’s even in the name. The word “nettle” is said to derive from the Anglo-Saxon word “noedl” meaning “needle”, while its Latin name “urtica” means “to burn” That’s why historically, stinging nettle was cooked with and consumed as tea and it can be consumed as a supplement , as once it’s proceed with any of these methods it can be consumed safely. Stinging nettles history is vast and interesting, for example, In Denmark, burial shrouds made of nettle fabrics have been discovered that date back to the Bronze Age (3000-2000 BC), In ancient Egypt reports are found of the use of nettle infusion for the relief of arthritis and lower back pains, Hippocrates and his followers reported 61 remedies using nettle…i could go on but you cant just go and touch it, because the leaf can sting like an actual bee sting, try it if you don’t be leaf. Think about it I’ve been using stinging nettles for a while and it’s one of the ingredients in the signature immune blend over on herby box. You can get yours using the link in description. It’s worth noting that it’s mostly the leaves, flowers that are used in herbal medicine but you can also buy the root, the root also has great therapeutic benefits. Studies have shown that all parts of the nettle have antioxidant, antimicrobial and pro-health capabilities.

So without further ado, let’s get into the 4 benefits of stinging nettle The first benefit is it is it’s nutrient density Stinging nettle is itself remarkable, considering it can be classed a weed, this herb boosts a pretty impressive nutrient profile. This is one of the reasons it was s traditionally been used primarily in the spring time to stimulate better circulation and blood cells this is because nettles is a good source of iron as well as vitamin c. As you know vitamin c helps with iron absorption, so having both in the same plant is beneficial. Stinging nettle contains round 1.46 milligrams per 1-cup serving of cooked leaves, which makes it potentially very good for anemia, also, The calcium content of stinging nettles is also significant: 1 cup provides 32.9 to 42.8 percent of the amount you require daily But that’s not all, The fresh leaves contain high concentrations of vitamins A, C, D, E, F, K and P, as well as of vitamin B-complexes. It’s very rare for plants to have vitamin D, one of the only other sources as far as im aware are mushrooms but what’s rarer, is there is some evidence that suggest nettle also has vitamin k2. Both vitamin d and vitamin k are rare in plants, this is an example of how nutrients can be packed into herbs. Even its vitamin A content is impressive, boosting of nearly 3 times your daily requirement in a single cup. Additionally, The leaves are also known to contain particularly large amounts of the minerals like selenium, zinc, iron and magnesium. The benefits of these nutrients are vast, for example, for Stinging nettle is both astringent and high in iron, vit. C and chlorophyll, all of which help iron-deficiency anaemia. It is considered an excellent nutritive herb for heavy menstrual bleeding. Speaking of period herbs, I have a period herbs video, if you click the I Stinging nettles have been shown to be richer in individual polyphenols than other wild plants, which has so many secondary benefits Well, this leads me to my second benefit Stinging nettle helps improve the immune system and inflammation response.

The nutrients in stinging nettle can help support the immune system, nervous system and even boost skin health, leading to other microbenefits such as energy, mental clarity and sleep. What I find interesting is its effect on the immune system and inflammation, especially in the cases of allergies, namely, hay fever. A few small study suggested that stinging nettle might help relieve symptoms of hay fever, in one study of 69 hay fever patients noted a significant benefit with nettle versus a placebo but it been shown to help with other inflammatory issues too For example, one conducted a randomized controlled double-blind crossover study in 27 patients with osteoarthritis pain at the base of the thumb or index finger found that after the study results with the nettle were significantly greater than placebo. Note that this study is topical as there is some evidence that topical stings with stinging nettle have some benefits for sufferers. it’s interesting. Other studies with nettle tea have been conducted too, although there isnt much evidence, what evidence we do have suggest good benefits Nettle polysaccharides appear to aid immune system response too As a whole for general wellbeing, nettle is a win, it’s immune and inflammatory benefits help the body’s natural processes, i also have a video on hay fever herbs, if you click the i The third benefit of stinging nettle is sleep One of the key things people report when using Herby Box, is better and deeper sleep and this might be due to the stinging nettle being in the blend as well other herbs, this is because it’s said that nettle tea promotes better sleep without increasing blood sugar levels, which makes people sleep deeper. Which is amazing, The last benefit i’ll discuss is skin benefits Because of its nourishing, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, nettle tea is a natural beautifier to skin and hair. It has been shown to clear acne and eczema as well as encourage thicker, shinier hair and new hair growth. One of the ways it does this is by its potential benefits on circulation. One of these potential circulation benefits is hair health and skin health. It’s said it can help improve scalp blood circulation, which in turn helps the hair. It can also help with with sex homorne balances and this can help with hair loss issues in people where hormonal balances are the cause There are other potential benefits such as liver benefits,menstrual health benefits, blood sugar benefits and digestion, as well as it being a potential way to help the body shed excess salt and water. But be mindful, there can be some side effects, some noted side effects are stomach upset, fluid retention, sweating, diarrhea, also, it’s debated but it’s generally said that pregnant women should avoid this herb. Generally, it should be used for wellness, if you have an issue, defo consult before using it, especially as it can interact with other medication. It’s still early days in the research of this plant, so A always, always do your research, all my research links are in the description. nettle will always be a win for me, so IF YOU WANT TO learn more about herbs, click on my face and get my herb guide and Before you go, make sure you check out this video right here and right here.

Nature’s Way Sambucus Black Elderberry Gummies with Vitamin C and Zinc, 60 Gummies

Source: Paul Otote
