Published on YouTube: A Capable Maid Chapter 8

"Fight Coronavirus With NAC” - Dr Neil Nedley

"Fight Coronavirus With NAC” - Dr Neil Nedley

– Hi, I’m Don Mackintosh. We’re in our series, Total Community Immunity (Don chuckles) TCI, Total Community Involvement. But we’re trying to help you in your fight against any kind of disease or virus. And again, Dr. Nedley, the President of Weimar Institute, Internal Medicine specialist, is with us today.

We’re gonna talk about NAC? – Yeah, N-acetylcysteine. It’s actually something that is available. Our bodies make it from actually the amino acid cysteine. And we can also produce better glutathione levels through glutamine as well.

And so several amino acids come together to increase glutathione levels which dramatically improve our immune system. In addition, NAC can have some anti-viral activity itself. It’s been shown in vitro to do that. And so a very interesting study was just cited recently.

It was done years ago, in of all places, Italy. They took people and they had them take placebo and it was a randomized controlled trial, which is the best way to do something to see if they supplement or a medicine’s gonna work or not compared to placebo. And the group that was randomized to the NAC, just 1200 milligrams a day, they came in contact with the flu virus just as commonly as the placebo people did. But they found out that if you were taking NAC, three out of four chance, you developed no symptoms from the flu.

You developed an antibody, so it didn’t actually prevent you from getting the virus into your system. – So you were exposed to it, but? – You were exposed to it, but you actually fought it off so well, you didn’t develop a single symptom. And the placebo group, it was way down instead of 75%, it was down to 20%. So when you see that huge difference between placebo and the active agent, you know that this is producing a very positive effect.

It could have implications in a lot of other viruses including the Corona Virus and COVID-19. And so it’s just something very simple, it’s very inexpensive. We’ve actually been utilizing it even in the hospital setting. It worked in the hospital as well.

And NAC is actually available in the hospital as well. – So they’ve adopted it? – A lot of doctors are not aware of it. They’ve adopted it in our hospital, in Auburn where I practice, and where we take care of critically ill patients. But this information really needs to go around the globe ’cause it’s something simple, doesn’t have side effects.

It’s not gonna have any adverse effect for you and it is going to potentially have a very positive effect. – Wow, you know, so ever since you said that on that video that’s kind of gone viral. I mean maybe that’s not a good term to use right now but, it’s going all over the place and helping all kinds of people. You know, I started taking that.

And you know, so I’m doing that. But you know, someone did email us the other day and say, “Did you know that this has maybe an interaction “with some medications that are anticoagulants.” Do you wanna talk about that at all? – Yeah, NAC really doesn’t have interactions. I mean it can interact with charcoal ’cause charcoal binds onto it. But as far as typical drug interactions, it might have some effect if you’re taking the drug warfarin just like spinach or broccoli can have an effect and other foods.

But even that seems to be extremely minor if at all. But if you’re on warfarin, you need to be checking your blood thinning time whenever you make a change in your diet or a change in supplements or anything like that anyways. But NAC has no known interactions with the others. – All right, so it sounds like something easy to do.

Maybe that’s what we should do. Maybe you should head down to that store and get some NAC because this program is not just about what the doctor can do for you, but what you can do to improve your own immunity. Thanks for joining us. (beeping) (air whooshing)

