Published on YouTube: A Capable Maid Chapter 8

Can I Make Vegan GUMMY BEARS? | Bon Appétit Inspired

– I’m cosplaying as a gummy bear! (beep) (classical music) All right friends, Halloween is just around the corner and I have some issues with Halloween. First and foremost, a lot of gummy candies, which is like my favorite thing, are not vegan! I still think it’s weird that strangers are giving out candy to children. So, (laughs) I wanted to see if I could make my own vegan version of gummy bears at home. Flip It is a series on my channel where I take one thing, and make it into the vegan thing.

So I’m going to take gummy bears today, substitute out the gelatin, which is not vegan, and substitute in agar agar, which is. (claps) So let’s see if we can make vegan gummy bears. (whirring) (pouring) (mellow electronic music) All right, what is agar agar you may ask? It is a seaweed or an algae. It has a little bit of a taste, but not much, it’s very mild.

But it acts the same way gelatin does, almost 100%. The only real difference is that it doesn’t quite get as hard as traditional gummy bears, which is fine, they’re just gummies that are a little bit softer. We are going to naturally sweeten them and also naturally color them. We’re going to make a blue-purple color, we’re going to make an orange flavor and color, and we’re going to make green ones.

And I’m going to use spinach to turn it green. I’m going to use an orange to make it orange; and taste like orange. And I’m going to use blueberries to make them purple. If you guys are new here, I’m Candace the Edgy Veg, and you should hit that subscribe button ’cause I make new videos every single Tuesdays and Thursdays.

And if you like this series, give this video a big thumbs up ’cause you know it’s gonna rock! Also appropriate that this is my Halloween video, that I have a new hair color. Oh, if you guys want to know where to get these little gummy bear molds, and then I not only have gummy bear molds, but also little bears and little robots and little dinosaurs. I’ll leave a link to the Amazon thing that I used, just in the description box. Well, this comes with a dropper.

All right, to make these as super, super simple, depending on the flavor combinations that you want, and the color combinations that you want, really the possibilities are endless. What I like to use is just apple juice. It has a pretty neutral flavor. But you can use any sort of juice that’s your favorite to achieve different flavors.

Another think that I am going to do is just color them naturally as well, by blending different ingredients to get the color that I want. So if you want like red, you can use beets. If you want purple, you can use blueberries. So all I’m going to do is take the apple juice…

You could also do this if you want cocktail gummy bears. You can do this with wine as well. I’ve done rosé ones, they’re so good. But you just wanna blend whatever you’re using for the color together with your liquid.

So whether it’s water, whether it’s apple juice, orange juice, wine, blend that together in a blender and add it to a small sauce pan. Bring that liquid to a simmer and add in your agar agar and give it a good whisk. Now you can taste it here to see if it’s sweet enough. If you want to add extra sweetness, add some agave in there until it’s dissolved.

This will also make it a little bit chewier, making it closer to the texture of traditional gummy bears. I find between maple syrup, agave, and regular sugar, the regular sugar sets the most naturally. It does get a little bit chewier than the agave or the maple syrup. I opted out of maple syrup just because you’re always going to have that maple taste.

Sugar and agave are a bit more neutral. All right, so I brought these to a simmer and then let them simmer while stirring constantly for about three minutes. And now I’m going to take my little eye dropper and fill in my bears, my gummy bears. These are like little piggies.

I thought they were piggies when I bought them, but they’re little panda bears, gummy bears and robots. So the green is looking a little darker than I would like. I would prefer it to be more vibrant. I think you could probably mix in a little bit of spirulina but I just picked something that was more neutral like spinach, spirulina does have a taste.

But the cooking and oxidization definitely made it brown. So I’m just going to take my dropper and then fill in the little molds. (mellow electronic music) All right, so I’m sticking them into the fridge. I popped up a couple just to test them.

I have some here, some up here. My freezer’s pretty full, so I also stuck some in the fridge, but I’m going to let them set. Now a lot of websites say just 10-15 minutes. I’m gonna leave it for a couple hours and come back.

(classical music) All right, I’ve popped a couple of them out. Look at that little guy. A little teddy bear. I mean obviously this is a tiny little mold, but you can get bigger ones.

Like I said before, the texture is different than a gummy bear, it doesn’t have that squeaky gummy chewiness, it’s a little bit softer. But they’re really tasty. I was thinking, if you wanted to do sour versions, you could probably add some Vitamin C powder or citric acid powder, which is just Vitamin C, and then you get that tang. All right guys, let me know what you think of this recipe in the description box down below.

Let me know what other recipes you want me to flip. If you’re new here, hit that Subscribe Button. I make new videos every Tuesday and Thursday at 4 p.m. And if you like this recipe, give it a big thumbs up.

If you like this guy, give him a big thumbs up. Hi, Britt. Hello. Bye.

Apple Cider Vinegar Gummy Vitamins by Goli Nutrition – 3 Pack – (180 Count, Organic, Vegan, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, with”The Mother”, Vitamin B9, B12, Beetroot, Pomegranate)

Source: Edgy Veg
